Online Jobs Fri, 22 Nov 2024 16:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Online Jobs 32 32 238528752 The Power Of Good Looks Fri, 22 Nov 2024 16:04:39 +0000 By Gicaniro I Will Just like charisma, good looks are either natural or artificially induced. Some people have that look of the sun, glowing and …

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By Gicaniro I Will

Just like charisma, good looks are either natural or artificially induced. Some people have that look of the sun, glowing and beautiful no matter the time of day. Whether they’ve showered or not, whether they’ve just got from bed or come from a party, whether they are wearing designer clothes or rugs, rich or poor, educated or illiterate.

These are the naturals of beauty. They are born with it. Socially, people are attracted to each other primarily by good looks. If the person looking at you thinks you are pretty or cute, they’ll be attracted to you. If the person looking at you thinks you’re ugly, the chances of them becoming attracted to you
are none.

But who cares if people are attracted to you or not? Well, you should. Life happens at many levels, one of them being the emotional level. If people don’t feel good about you, they shut down all the borders
you share. Thus, it would be best if you worked on your looks.

You don’t have to look like the picture of a model in the ads, but at least try to look good above the minimum. Unless you’re a natural at good looks, some things give you away as ugly. One of them is wearing ugly clothes, which make you look shabby and unapproachable. The other one is wearing unmatching colors that make you look backward. If you’re average at good looks, choose the colors of your clothes diligently.

One more thing to remember, wear clothes that have an expensive feel on them. The last thing people want to see is an ugly face in cheap ugly clothes. The good thing about being natural at good looks is that it doesn’t really matter the clothes you put on, whether expensive or cheap, knitted by hand or designed overseas, everything looks stylistic and good on them. Which is quite the opposite with average good-looks.

There’s how you look naturally, and there’s how you can make yourself look. This is style. Having a good style in fashion means you know which colors go where and which ones don’t; it means you know what the weather is and the clothes to match it with; it means you are wearing clothes that bring the best out of you and make you shine bright like a diamond, just lovely and adorable.

In communication, good style means that your tone of voice is not too loud, not too low but rather calm and deep. Still, it’s knowing when to raise your voice and when to lower it depending on the situation.
It means using body language in a way that makes you look believable and intelligent.

Some people’s body language is so off and ugly, that they become primary suspects a few minutes into their witness testimony. It also means how you control your eye contact. Some people don’t even know how to look at others, they just stare at them like freaks, not caring to blink for minutes. Imagine someone looking at you that long without blinking. You begin developing negative emotions like fear, doubt, worry, anxiety, and paranoia.

Try not to freak out people, with your tone of voice, the choice of your clothes, your body language, and certainly not with your weird non-blinking stare. When talking remember to pause and catch your breath, it’s a conversation after all, not a spelling competition.

A good style does not contradict people’s tastes and preferences, it does not stand out as rebellious to standard cultural and ethical norms, and it tries not to be out of this world. You don’t want to show up anywhere on Earth wearing planet Mars clothes, that’s being a weirdo, not futuristic.

Avoid making yourself look like what everybody knows you’re not. That’s a red flag for most people. Once they spot you pretending to be what they know you are not through talk or fashion, they will turn their
backs and look the other way.

You might argue that you’ve got the freedom to look however you please. Well, that’s not accurate because how you look in public must align with how you are supposed to look according to public
standards. Otherwise, forget winning at networking, teamwork, collaboration, partnership, admiration, etc.

Just as with charisma you avoid hatred, with good looks avoid looking ugly, weirdo, freaky, or out of place by all means necessary. Standing out is good, but not beyond acceptable standards. This is not asking you to conform, but rather, encouraging you to win.

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Be Knowledgeable, Be Skilled, & Be Wise Tue, 19 Nov 2024 20:01:25 +0000 By Gicaniro I Will Most aspects of life have been studied in great detail. To Possess such theoretical flame work of how things come to …

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By Gicaniro I Will

Most aspects of life have been studied in great detail. To Possess such theoretical flame work of how things come to be, how they work, when, and why is what knowledge is about.

To know what is there, and can be known so that you can better experience it, use it, and share it.

Ignorance is never knowing what exists without the ability to understand it, describe it, and use it appropriately in a way that benefits you and others.

Ignorant people lack insight into how things work, why they are the way they are, and their possibilities
for transformation. Aside from natural instincts, and all the subconscious behaviors we pick as we grow, being knowledgeable is the most basic level of intelligence.

Most things we grow up doing are learned through imitation of people around us not necessarily capable of describing how they came to be and why they are important.

Lack of this understanding makes it impossible for a person to grow and improve their livelihoods or
performance based on such raw subconscious information.

Raw information also limits a person’s level of freedom since not knowing much, they are scared of a lot.

Talking about fear, the less you know about something the more you’re scared of it and are uncomfortable with it.

The Reverse is true. To emphasize the same point, other scholars call it‘fear of the unknown’. What you don’t know terrifies you. If it terrifies you, you cannot engage with it in productive ways.

Often you’ll find out that people who are more knowledgeable tend to develop faster than others.
From this, you might as well say that all inequalities are caused by inequality in knowledge.

Even among people who possess the same exact knowledge, disparities still persist depending on how they apply their knowledge to advance themselves and those around them.

Application of knowledge is what we call skills. It’s not enough to know something, you’ve to come up
with ways of applying the information you possess for your advancement.

Knowledge is all about knowing, while skills are about doing.

What do you know and can do? In other words, what knowledge do you possess about anything and can you apply it in a way that can lead to a tangible desirable result?

Application of knowledge is the difference between a student who will graduate to still live like they never stepped foot in the classroom and one who soars and becomes successful in their career.

Skills have many types, among them;

  1. Communication skills
  2. Social skills
  3. Emotional intelligence
  4. Technical skills
  5. Survival skills

However much theory you can possess, and how great you can be at applying it, you can’t go far
unless you’re wise. Wisdom is a combination of knowledge and skill and other aspects of life
like natural instincts, conscience, and consciousness.

Conscience is a natural advisor to you, always reminding you what’s right from what’s wrong. Consciousness on the other hand is awakeness, or being present in the moment.

Without these three;
instincts, conscience, and consciousness both knowledge and skills become a speeding giant ship
in the wrong direction, or to make it worse in all directions.

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You do not have to quit a good paying job Sat, 16 Nov 2024 18:02:02 +0000 By Gicaniro I Will Trade is the foundation of all income-generating activities. Everything that generates money involves a certain degree of trade. Trade refers to …

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By Gicaniro I Will

Trade is the foundation of all income-generating activities. Everything that generates money involves a certain degree of trade. Trade refers to the buying and selling of commodities or services for profit and utility. Profit for the seller and utility for the buyer. Thus, making selling the most profitable business activity there is.

Whether you are self-employed, employed, an investor, or an entrepreneur selling is what you do. It is always a product, service, skills, time, presence, attention, and knowledge you are selling to others who need it and are ready and willing to pay for it.

Even in barter trade, where money is not a medium of exchange, and people just exchange things they have for others they don’t, there’s selling involved. In fact, with barter trade everyone involved is both a seller and a buyer at the exact same time.

Employment is the most common source of income for many people. Employment is the easiest source of income as long as you can do as you are told. It is the easiest because your salary or wage is guaranteed.
For most people, employment becomes their first safe means of earning money. The risk involved in getting a job is less than the risk involved in starting a business yet there exist some high-paying jobs in which an employee can earn more than an entrepreneur or an investor.

There’s a tendency to undermine people who are employed. Regarding them as the inferior ones. Nothing can be further from the truth. Employment is a source of income just like any other. The employee goes through almost similar experiences as an entrepreneur or an investor. They all get challenged, frustrated, tired, worried, anxious, excited, etc. What distinguishes the three is the ability to grow and scale, which gives them the capacity to multiply their income many times over.

The factor of independence is questionable since everybody in whatever field of life is to some extent dependent on something else or someone else to some degree. Whichever way you earn, more important is your ability to retain what you earn, save it, invest it, and multiply it. If you can do this, it won’t matter if you are self-employed or not.

Employment doesn’t reduce your chances of becoming extremely wealthy. It doesn’t make you unlucky in the game of the rich. You still have a shot just as entrepreneurs and investors do. All you have to do is retain most of your earnings, then save it, and then invest it to multiply it.

Employment becomes your channel to obtain means to step into the investment or entrepreneurship world. Keep in mind that you can have one foot in all those income-generating fields as long as you earn from all of them.

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Clean Income Thu, 14 Nov 2024 05:20:54 +0000 By Gicaniro I Will Many people have risen the success ladder so high their pictures got hung on the wall of fameamassing huge wealth and …

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By Gicaniro I Will

Many people have risen the success ladder so high their pictures got hung on the wall of fame
amassing huge wealth and power along the way, only for their mansion of cards to crack and end
up serving life in prison because they were the almighty mafia, with no respect for rules, laws,
and norms.

You don’t want to be rich like this.

You can not live life playing dirty and expect never to be thrown into the same mud. What you do goes around to come back around to you.

All the dirty deals you have done, all the dirty partners you’ve shaken hands with, all the dirty employees you’ve hired, and all the dirty bribes and favors you’ve given will someday somehow catch up with you.

Please make no mistake about it.

Clean money gives you peace, freedom, and the right to enjoy the fruits of labor without constantly looking at the back of your shoulders scared someone is coming for revenge.

I guess you’ve seen or heard about millionaires who cannot dare walk down the street freely without a gang of bodyguards around them because they know that out of their many dirty dealings, someone might try to make them pay for whatever bad things they did to them.

Therefore, be clean and try to be good with most people.

Even when you fall into trouble, clean money gives you the confidence and support needed to overcome them. But when your money is dirty, trouble only calls for more trouble.

Once there’s a crack, the whole empire begins shaking, with you stuck inside, unable to jump out because it is only inside you can be safe from the consequences of your past deeds.

It is easy to commit a crime or fraud but most criminals or fraudsters never ever think about how easy it is to catch them. A thief plans the entire heist to perfect detail, without considering once the exact same plan will be hatched to capture them after the heist.

Getting caught is as easy as doing the crime.

The problem with most criminals and bad people is that for some weird irrational reason, they begin to think that they are smarter than anyone else, more intelligent than anyone else, and lucky than anyone else.

Definitely wrong.

There’s always someone smarter, more prepared, and ahead of you. Then there is the everpresent unknown factor.

No matter how great you are at planning, doing bad things, and getting away with it, you never know when somehow, something is going to go wrong.

It always does. Something unexpected is going to happen that you’re not ready for, someone is going to snitch on you, somehow you’ll make a slight mistake and that’s what will cause you trouble.

A perfect plan does not exist. It would require controlling all things in the universe at the same exact time. Are you really that powerful?

More reason to give up the criminal path and take the good road to success. Better is to try to control yourself, your ego, judgment, ambition, greed, appetite, desires, wishes, intelligence, and your attitude than to try to control the world around you and dictate to it how it should react to your schemes.

Obeying the laws in turn protects you as well. If you buy something legally, and something happens to be wrong with it, the laws grant you the right to get a refund.

But imagine if you bought from a hacker on the dark web. Or a fraudster on the darkest corner of the street?

Generally, most people, companies, institutions, organizations, and governments don’t like to be involved with people who commit illegal acts and demonstrate illegal unacceptable behavior.

This isolation can ruin your business if it already exists, or prevent you from starting one. Life-threatening consequences are inevitable for criminals, and people who don’t obey the law.

You risk your life the moment you decide to engage in illegal unacceptable business activities.

To make it worth it, the deeper you get involved with mafia-type-of-people, the more you expose even your own family members and
loved ones to danger.

In business, as is with other fields of life, reputation is the foundation of partnerships. You don’t want to be known as a thief, a con artist, a fraudster, or a person who deals in illegal activity.

If potential partners think of you negatively, as a bad, immoral, indisciplined, rebellious evil person they’ll change their minds and choose someone else. Guard your reputation, it holds all your business relationships together.

Clean money is not only about avoiding business crime and fraud but also choosing safe and simple yet profitable business opportunities, partners, and stakeholders.

Why get yourself into a business where you’ll never sleep well again?

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Understanding Charisma Wed, 13 Nov 2024 08:13:37 +0000 By Gicaniro I Will There can be something about a person that makes others like them by default. Charismatic people often have successful first impressions. …

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By Gicaniro I Will

There can be something about a person that makes others like them by default. Charismatic people often have successful first impressions. Just set your eyes on them, you don’t want to take them off. And when
they start talking, you pause to listen to what they’ve to say.

Such people have a celebrity Ola around them. In the eyes of other people, they’re never ordinary. They seem mysterious yet approachable. Smart yet cool. Serious yet funny. Successful yet simple. And it is this
exact contrast they carry that triggers the curiosity in others and keeps them hooked. Some may have been born with it. They just have it from birth. Have you seen babies people avoid picking up or playing with?

Well, they’re there. On the other hand, there are these adorable cute babies or kids everyone cannot pass without fooling around with. Usually, this natural charisma is caused by the unique amazing features a baby or a kid has on their face, unique cognitive abilities like eloquence and good memory, and sometimes all the natural charisma around a baby or a kid can be purely circumstantial. A baby born from popular parents is liked by most people. The reverse is true.

The same way natural charisma is obtained and plays out for babies and kids is true with adults. Adults with unique body features, amazing cognitive abilities, and great talent, tend to be naturally charismatic. Also, the circumstantial factor plays out for them, like coming from popular, or wealthy families.

Nevertheless, apart from it coming to you by default, every person has the potential to develop their own charism artificially. To find out what you can do to develop charisma on your own, keep in mind what its natural twin looks like and then replicate it. You’ll know you got it when you begin to draw desirable attention.

You might not have great talent but you can be known for high-level performance which gives you influence over your colleagues. You might not be naturally beautiful with a sweet face but you can still wear fascinating fashion.

Artificial charisma can be simply built on a need-to-situation basis. If there’s a need in your environment and you can find a solution to fulfill it, automatically you become influential. Becoming a pioneer in new things makes you influential as well.

The point here is that people can like you for a million reasons, try and get one. Avoiding being on the wrong side of people’s wishes and desires, alone makes you likable. Unlike natural charisma which makes a person both likable and loved, artificial charisma gives you influence over others even when they don’t really like you, while at the same time putting you beyond the possibility of hatred.

Therefore, if you are not a natural at it, let those born with it be loved, while you try to be liked, and avoid being avoided.

The importance of charisma is almost dismissable yet powerful due to the fact that people only like to do things they like and love. In the same way, people like to do things with people they like or love. This is
where charisma steps in to give you a free ticket into people’s hearts and later on into their minds.

That’s the way it works, first, you get into people’s hearts then later on, into their minds. And that’s only if after being tested by their feelings you haven’t been found wanting.

Human relationships are an emotional matter, rationality comes in later after the judgment has been passed and the verdict has been read to the defendant you are.

Point to ponder: whenever you are in a group, make sure you’re someone important. Lack of importance among people is a disqualifying factor for charisma. If you’re not useful in that situation, how can you
stand out and shine?

Within a group, you want to be the guy who possesses special useful skills, someone the group needs to make progress.

Be a little mysterious to keep people curious about you; let them wonder how you do what you do so well, how you manage the difficult tasks, and how you cope and adapt despite the unbearable challenges.

Avoid being the boring one, the disgusting one, the talkative, the gossip, the shy one, the lazy, the ignorant, the loser, and all those negative things no one likes.

Mind your company, you can be so many great things on your own but if the people you surround yourself with are not adored so will you.

As a matter of fact, the moment people see you around people they don’t like, they begin to distrust you and doubt you. Distrust can quickly become hatred, yet hatred is something you must avoid by all means
necessary. It leads to a total crash.

You cannot sell when hated, you cannot buy at good prices when hated, you cannot work and perform well when hated, you cannot enjoy your neighborhood when hated, you cannot be free when hated, and you can’t be secure when hated. Try to remember this and you’ll go far.

The opposite of charisma, hatred, brings with it absolute failure. Avoid it like a plague, and quarantine yourself if you must – you’d rather isolate yourself from bad influence than be aboard a sinking ship full
of overweight friends who care less about lifejackets.

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Only Make Self-Serving Choices & Decisions Wed, 13 Nov 2024 07:56:24 +0000 By Gicaniro I Will Have you ever wondered what was going on in the mind of a girl who got an unwanted pregnancy fromher boyfriend …

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By Gicaniro I Will

Have you ever wondered what was going on in the mind of a girl who got an unwanted pregnancy from
her boyfriend or stranger in a one-night stand?

What was she thinking? Was she out of her mind?

Here is where it gets tricky, the same girl often gets the same unwanted pregnancy for the second time!
Sometimes from the same guy! It’s probably from the same exact spot! How is that even possible?

How can you fall in the exact place twice? Yet every time, it hurts! It makes you hate yourself so much!
What is the cause of repetition of bad choices, and decisions?

Why do people keep making the same mistake over again? Could something be wrong with their mindset? Are some wires in their brain not plugged in well? Or is it perhaps a natural weakness? Genes, maybe?

Well, before you can truly understand why people repeat mistakes over again, you’ve to first
understand the process through which choices and decisions are made. You also have to know the
difference between choices and decisions.

What is the difference between choices and decisions? Simply, decisions are a mental approval
of already made choices.

Choices are mental favorable preferences of a person. Note; choices are
formed first, while decisions come in later to approve them. A choice by itself doesn’t have the power to launch a person into action until given a green light by a decision.

A decision evaluates, weighs, and measures between available choices to determine the most suitable one for you. In case there are no choices to deliberate upon, your decision system easily approves the only available choice in your mind. If none at all, the decision system taps into ongoing feelings for a clue. Obviously, not good because feelings are greatly influenced by external factors.

For a person to be able to make good decisions, they must have more than one good choice in place
before their decision system can deliberate upon which one is best suitable for them. The question remains, why do we make bad choices, and allow our decision system to approve them?

Well, it is because choices unlike decisions are predetermined long before the actual action takes place. Whereas decisions can be made on the spot, choices are made way before so that decisions always have something to approve.

From here it can be easy to figure out how to make good decisions and therefore good choices. First
and foremost, take time and make your choices about different things, especially things you’ll be
doing or need in the near future.

For example; if you’re planning to go to the nightclub this weekend, and it’s on Thursday, take at
least 10 minutes and make choices about what you will and won’t do on the weekend at the nightclub.
If you say to yourself, “I won’t kiss any man on that night, I won’t go home with any man on that night, I
won’t be in a corner with any man on that night because of abc reasons” when that night comes, and
a man happens to try to kiss you, your decision-making system will command you to stop him.

While you were forming choices last Thursday, you also gave reasons as to why you did or did not want
to do certain things. These reasons become the measurement point of your decision-making system.

At that moment when the man is trying to get you to kiss, your decision-making system weighs both the
choice you made not to kiss him, and the reasons you gave for not wanting to kiss anyone on that
night, then a deliberation is made, and a verdict is read which you then act out.

Sometimes, even when you programmed yourself not to do something, you end up doing it. Why?
Mostly because the reasons you gave for not doing it were not strong enough to outweigh your natural
need for it.

To conclude on this point, always make your choices long before the anticipated activity, and care
to give strong reasons for them within your mind. When the time for a decision comes, at the peak of
the moment, your decision-making system will judge based on the ongoing activity, your predetermined choices, and the reasons supporting them.

When choosing, start by avoiding the bad, and the worst things, automatically, the good, and the best

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The Benefits of Moral Values & Discpline Mon, 11 Nov 2024 22:18:15 +0000 By Gicaniro I Will (author & entrepreneur) Morality is about the ability to coexist, and the behavior, attitude, and responsibility it takes. Coexisting by itself …

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By Gicaniro I Will (author & entrepreneur)

Morality is about the ability to coexist, and the behavior, attitude, and responsibility it takes.

Coexisting by itself is a preliminary condition for success. You’ve to be willing to survive and thrive
side by side with others even when your interests, beliefs, and priorities differ.

We need to coexist because everything we want is on the other side, and we’ve to go through other
people to get that which we want.

That’s why you’ve to be on good terms with others.

Morality is your guide in your social relations with others. It reminds you of your boundaries with
regard to those of others so that you don’t overstep, or trespass.

Other people are the bridges between us and the things we want – good moral values are the visa
through those bridges.

Good morals make other people see you as trustworthy, and deserving

The most critical ticket you must have before crossing any human bridge. Usually, good moral values depend on the customs and norms of a given people.

It is therefore important to know who you’re dealing with before advancing to encounter them.

Nonetheless, this does not mean you should keep repointing your moral compass to suit where you’re, and who you’re with.

Rather, it urges you to seek understanding before going too far into anything. In most places, and with most people around the world, good moral values do not differ much — they’re all deeply rooted in the following values: self-respect, honor, courage, kindness, love, care, hope, inspiration, humbleness, happiness, etc.

At the same time, moral values are centered around cultural, and social values. In the professional world, they use a different term but equivalent in meaning, discipline.

Discipline is the ability to observe, follow, and obey rules.

Without discipline, other people in the professional world will neither trust you nor think you’re
deserving of anything in your pursuit.

Not having it is an automatic disqualification. Everywhere you go, in your various dealings, wave your discipline like a flag, high and wide.

Let people know you can abide by their standards, then they’ll surely open doors for you. Values of discipline include; punctuality, the ability to respect time schedules, and coming and leaving on time.

Respecting hierarchy, delivering on promise, and appropriate presentation, you don’t want to look or sound out of place, an outsider with no business being around.

Don’t make people wonder who invited you, or whether you’ve an invitation to begin with.

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Understand Power Mon, 11 Nov 2024 22:05:59 +0000 By Gicaniro I Will (author & entrepreneur) Power is the ability to live, sustainably, and comfortably. You have power if you can be happy anytime …

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By Gicaniro I Will (author & entrepreneur)

Power is the ability to live, sustainably, and comfortably.

You have power if you can be happy anytime you want if you can take action when you need to, and if you can walk away from things whenever you choose to.

This means that the powerful person is the free person.

It’s not the one who gives orders, but the one who doesn’t take orders.

Less about influencing others, or/and controlling the world around you – it is more about controlling yourself, and motivating yourself to be better every new dawn.

Instead of influencing others, try influencing yourself to do all you need to do when you need to do it.

This attitude can turn your life around. The total number of things you are enable to do and to get done can quadruple transforming you into a high performer.

Even though influencing others may feel good, it does not get a lot done as much as when you decide to become your own puppet master, pulling strings to launch you into action.

Power is a force within you directing your life, how strong it is determines how far you’ll go, and how fast it’ll take you.

It’s like a bonfire which you must keep burning, by adding a piece of dry wood every now and then.

You add wood to this fire by doing the right thing every day, correcting the wrong thing every day, taking the right path every day, and turning away from the wrong path every day.

Enhancing your power is a full-time job.

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How To Get Your First 100 CLIENTS Mon, 11 Nov 2024 21:48:09 +0000 Part 1. By Gicaniro I Will (author & entrepreneur). **THE PROBLEM** The hardest part of starting a successful business is.. getting your first 100 clients. …

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Part 1.

By Gicaniro I Will (author & entrepreneur).


The hardest part of starting a successful business is.. getting your first 100 clients. Trying to convince those first 100 clients to buy your product or service, is the biggest hurdle in business success.

Imagine how hard it is to ask people who don’t know you, to buy a product or service from you that they may have never used, or probably have not heard about in a long time. So challenging right?

But it is not only difficult for you, but for those 100 clients as well who have just met you, without any supporting evidence of whether they should trust you, take you seriously, believe in you, or want to do anything with you at all.

To get your first 100 clients in this case, requires tremendous effort, energy, focus, investment, and resources.

You have to be patient and resilient because it takes time, I mean, even after you have invested a lot of money and resources into promotion and advertising, getting your first 100 clients to buy your new product or service is not always guaranteed.

Yes, clients eventually come, but when? Nobody knows. It can take a week, a month, or a year before enough people want to buy from you.

Don’t lose hope just yet, I think I have a solution for this problem, especially for small businesses, small entrepreneurs, and small investors who want to jump into business with only one goal in mind, to make money, and to make money first. 


The question: What are your potential clients buying now?

The first rule to abide by is; that before you start your business, find out first what people are buying on the market already. When people go to the market, the physical market or online, what are they buying, and how much of it, and for what price?

Answers to this question will give you the best business idea you are looking for.. as soon as you have your answers right and in order you’ll be ready to start selling to 100 clients on day one.

By selling what people are already buying, you remove the need for promotion and advertising.

People will buy from you whether they know you or not because they are driven by the need to possess that product or service.

Because they need to buy it, and are already on the market looking for it, all you have to do is provide it. Let them have it.

Voila, there goes your first 100 clients! Thank me later!

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