Be Knowledgeable, Be Skilled, & Be Wise

By Gicaniro I Will

Most aspects of life have been studied in great detail. To Possess such theoretical flame work of how things come to be, how they work, when, and why is what knowledge is about.

To know what is there, and can be known so that you can better experience it, use it, and share it.

Ignorance is never knowing what exists without the ability to understand it, describe it, and use it appropriately in a way that benefits you and others.

Ignorant people lack insight into how things work, why they are the way they are, and their possibilities
for transformation. Aside from natural instincts, and all the subconscious behaviors we pick as we grow, being knowledgeable is the most basic level of intelligence.

Most things we grow up doing are learned through imitation of people around us not necessarily capable of describing how they came to be and why they are important.

Lack of this understanding makes it impossible for a person to grow and improve their livelihoods or
performance based on such raw subconscious information.

Raw information also limits a person’s level of freedom since not knowing much, they are scared of a lot.

Talking about fear, the less you know about something the more you’re scared of it and are uncomfortable with it.

The Reverse is true. To emphasize the same point, other scholars call it‘fear of the unknown’. What you don’t know terrifies you. If it terrifies you, you cannot engage with it in productive ways.

Often you’ll find out that people who are more knowledgeable tend to develop faster than others.
From this, you might as well say that all inequalities are caused by inequality in knowledge.

Even among people who possess the same exact knowledge, disparities still persist depending on how they apply their knowledge to advance themselves and those around them.

Application of knowledge is what we call skills. It’s not enough to know something, you’ve to come up
with ways of applying the information you possess for your advancement.

Knowledge is all about knowing, while skills are about doing.

What do you know and can do? In other words, what knowledge do you possess about anything and can you apply it in a way that can lead to a tangible desirable result?

Application of knowledge is the difference between a student who will graduate to still live like they never stepped foot in the classroom and one who soars and becomes successful in their career.

Skills have many types, among them;

  1. Communication skills
  2. Social skills
  3. Emotional intelligence
  4. Technical skills
  5. Survival skills

However much theory you can possess, and how great you can be at applying it, you can’t go far
unless you’re wise. Wisdom is a combination of knowledge and skill and other aspects of life
like natural instincts, conscience, and consciousness.

Conscience is a natural advisor to you, always reminding you what’s right from what’s wrong. Consciousness on the other hand is awakeness, or being present in the moment.

Without these three;
instincts, conscience, and consciousness both knowledge and skills become a speeding giant ship
in the wrong direction, or to make it worse in all directions.

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